Monday 25 January 2021

#038: The Sculpture Garden of Your Heroes

A sculpture garden filled with all the statues of all the heroes you have had in your life.  Who would enter your roll call, and when?  Would the styles used change over time?  Have any of your statues faded over time?  Whether from memory or deeds?  Are they eroded or mossy, have they become overgrown?  Have their plaques, once pristine, become illegible?  Have they been unceremoniously removed, an empty plot left to overgrow, or a shiny replacement erasing the memory?  Have they been reordered over time, statues gaining new importance or prominence?  Do you walk through your garden with pride?  Or is there the occasional wince?  And, do you feature at all?

Monday 18 January 2021

#037: Paradise is...

Whatever you want it to be.

(Jorge Luis Borges felt that paradise would be a library, rather than a garden, and, for many, this would be paradise.  I know I would like it.  But it would not fit everybody.  Some might feel anxious forever, whether because reading is not for them or because, despite having forever, they still feel like they could never read it all.  

For paradise to be paradise, it surely needs to be whatever you want it to be, a completely changeable and controllable tailored experience.  Whether gardens or libraries or… well, a little bit of everything you love.

And that’s just the paradise beyond.  Creating paradise now is trickier but, in your mind, you can wonder about paradise here, and beyond, if your own patch is not quite there yet.

And, perhaps, this is what our last moments will be.  Creating that paradise, whatever you want it to be, as your final neurons fire.)

Monday 11 January 2021

#036: Belief

A stand, or column, of a height and size appropriate for you.  Upon it sits the physical representation of something you believe.   

Monday 4 January 2021

#035: Waiting for art

A blank canvas.

Or an empty gallery.  Or an empty space on a gallery wall.

#034: Waiting for the art of the play

A table with two chairs.  On the table is a chess set, clock, notation notebook and pencils all neatly arranged and set up ready to play.

Monday 21 December 2020

#033: Musical feels in your own space and time (Let music rouse, stir and move you!)

Sit, just sit, maybe with your head on your knee, and put on a song, maybe THE song, or a piece of music, maybe THE piece of music, that makes you feel the most, tingle the most.  Close your eyes and listen as it stirs you inside, sets your hairs on end, gives you chills, brings tears to your eyes, a smile to your lips... let it rouse, stir and move you!  Lift yourself away for a few minutes, live outside the world and yourself.  Just your mind and your music.