Work of art whose meaning remains hidden from the viewer, such as B. a painting facing the wall or a statue covered with a cloth.
(Is something in a work of art lost over time or each time it is placed in a new place or context? Is there something to be gained? Do some works of art lose their meanings after their first exposure, and if so, will they ever be? Are some just memories of an event, and so they ultimately lose their meaning and value when they leave that event, a provocation flattened and agitated by time, a moment gone?
And what happens when a work of art is seen but is invisible when not busy? What happens when visitors don't overlook it and have a bad idea? Does it matter? When someone looks and decides, when they walk by, sees it, decides, but doesn't really stop or doesn't read the label? Or if so much is not there? When it is difficult for the viewer, when the art is like a finger removed from the body, when far from its original context it is difficult to see what it means?)
I think.