Showing posts with label Black Dog on My Shoulder. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Black Dog on My Shoulder. Show all posts

Monday 12 August 2024

#252: Black Dog Ideas I and II: Black dog's a-coming tonight and His Black Dog

Black Dog I: Black dog's a-coming tonight

Oil on canvas.  A painting of a man who is frozen still, his eyes shut tight.  A recording of a dog running and painting, getting nearer and nearer, can be heard.

Black Dog II: His Black Dog

Oil on canvas.  A painting divided into four panels in the style of Man with a Newspaper by RenĂ© Magritte.  A man is seen sitting in an easy chair positioned in a living room in each panel, in the same pose each time.  Only his face shows any change in the man.  The room itself is seen from slightly different perspectives in each panel.

In the first panel, we see the man only, sitting passively, looking out at the viewer.  In the second, we see the man, his eyes looking to the window, his face concerned.  In the third, we see the man, again sitting passively and looking straight out at the viewer but now a black dog is present, standing on its hind legs behind the man, its front paws on his shoulders.  In the fourth panel, the man is sitting, serenely, the black dog lying at his feet.