Monday 9 January 2023

#155: Propaganda for Compassion and Equality

Be nice to everyone.


After: Cochrane, Lauren (2022) ‘It’s about having your tag everywhere’: why the art of Keith Haring is all around us. Available At: (Accessed: 17th November 2022).

And between writing and posting: Siobhán (@SlugInkPress) (2022) "No x" [Twitter] 12 December. Available at: (Accessed: 12th December 2022).

Riedzewski, Ramona (@archivist_ramona) (2022) "Positive messaging on the streets of Hammersmith." [Instagram] 16 December. Available at: (Accessed: 16th December 2022).

Monday 2 January 2023

#154: Portraits of Artists as Everyday Objects

A series of portraits of artists represented by an object - the object itself, rather than a picture or a painting of it.  Often the most obvious thing.  For example, LS Lowry is a matchstick, Yoko Ono is a grapefruit and Vincent Van Gogh a sunflower.

Who would you include, and what would represent them?