A cage that we are all locked in together and cannot escape from.
Imagine a fight breaks out.
What happens next?
How do we carry on?
Descriptions of artworks to create in your imagination. Some could become real. Some never should. Some are ultimately mindfulness exercises. However you see them, the experience for each viewer is unique. Resource List. Manifesto.
A cage that we are all locked in together and cannot escape from.
Imagine a fight breaks out.
What happens next?
How do we carry on?
A stained glass window in the shape of a madeleine. The window depicts the triggers that would take you through and the memories you would discuss on the other side.
Oil on canvas.
Scene of someone in a terrible state (their eyes dark, their skin pale and sallow, their hair long and bedraggled) exiting a building into bright sunlight.
A room full of boxes. The majority with genders, age ranges, nationalities, religions, professions, sexualities, generations, races, cultures, etc written on them - the sort of words used in surveys to build you in their eyes, or to pigeonhole someone.
Factual, kind, hateful or nasty. All you can think of are present.
Larger boxes in the centre of the room have You written on the side. These are big enough to fit a number of the other boxes in, once flattened.
Also in the room: a stanley knife, lighter fluid, matches and an incinerator bin.