Monday, 25 September 2023

#193: Worry and After Worry

A full-size model of a tree.  

One side features entirely bare branches that have mould along them, which also runs down the trunk of the tree.  Blackbirds perch on the branches and nests sit empty.  

The opposite side is clear of the mould, and has branches bearing leaves and fruit (watermelons, bananas, artichokes and apples).  Within the leaves perch robins, crows and hummingbirds, many of whom occupy nests alongside partners and chicks; and many different flowers bloom: Christmas Rose, Lenten Rose, Red Columbine, and Stitchwort can all be seen.

Wherever the work is shown, the gallery must sell and have on offer a range of books, films and leaflets about anxiety and worry - for all ages and backgrounds.

Monday, 18 September 2023

#192: Empty and Solid

A hollow model of an apple seed made from stone and large enough to fit between someone's lungs. 

Monday, 11 September 2023

#191: Debt

Oil on canvas.  The scene shows a cross section of sky, ground and the soil beneath it.  Buried under the ground is a coffin containing a person who is awake and worried, dressed in a straitjacket. On the surface people are enjoying their lives.

Monday, 4 September 2023

#190: Shame

Oil on canvas.

Someone hiding inside a house, shrouded in darkness.  Through the window, a busy street scene is visible.

Or, Someone hiding in darkness while the world carries on outside.