Monday, 18 October 2021

#073: Finding Yourself

A painting showing a maze.  

Within the maze is a person finding their way through.

Throughout the maze, along its paths, are various statues and other representations of different milestones and versions of the person that they will either pass and partake at different times or miss altogether as they find their way through the maze until finding their complete self (or death) in the middle.

Monday, 4 October 2021

#071: the void since the last time and what the void was filled with

A painting, mix of acrylics and oil on canvas.  

Outline profile of the artist’s head, blank apart from a line marking the area where the brain would be.

This area is divided into five parts.  The first, right along the top, contains the following text in black on a white background: “ファイブセブンファイブ” 

The rest is divided into four sections.  

Clockwise from the top left they show:

****** ** ***** ******* through a suburban scene.

A figure with an exploding face and brown-filled lungs.

Scenes of the same families around a campfire and on a beach by the pier.

A figure lost in a maze.

Monday, 16 August 2021

#070: The Eternal, Ever-Changing, Oil Painting (Alternate III)

Go outside and lie down (or lie under a skylight or glass roof) and look up at the sky.  

Pick a small area and concentrate on it, as if it were an oil painting in a gallery.

Take in the clouds, especially.  

Look at their shapes, follow their edges, watch them drift into, across, and then out of your painting’s frame.  

Take your time to breathe in and feel the moment, relax into the scene and savour it.

Try to remember how you feel, keep this eternal, ever-changing, oil painting with you and, when you need it: close your eyes and recall it.  Clouds of different shapes and sizes drift silently on by as you breathe and relax.  And then, the scene playing in your mind, think about nothing else and just 





#069: The Eternal, Ever-Changing, Oil Painting (Alternate II)

Following an exhibition of oil paintings featuring particularly impressive skies, viewers then go to an outside space (a terrace or lawn, perhaps, or even the roof of the gallery), where they are encouraged to admire the sky and compare the clouds to those seen in the exhibition paintings.  Do they look any more or less real or unreal than those created with paints?

#068: The Eternal, Ever-Changing, Oil Painting (Alternate I)

A livestream video on a gallery wall of the sky above it.  Not looking directly up, but up and out, a 360 degree projection shone above the viewer’s heads, with only the sky visible - no buildings or landscape.

#067: The Eternal, Ever-Changing, Oil Painting

A collection of photographs of clouds in the sky during the day.  

The photographs have been submitted by the artist and volunteer contributors around the world to a website where they are vetted* and added to an ever-growing slideshow for continual projection in a gallery and on a page of the website; as well as forming an instagram account.

*Each photograph must be entirely composed of a sky somewhere in the world - no buildings or landscapes may be visible; the sun, wildlife and flying vehicles are permissible, as are cloudless photos that show more than one colour in the sky.