Monday, 2 November 2020

#025: Beauty (All at once)

The most beautiful person against the most beautiful landscape in the greatest artistic style.

Monday, 26 October 2020

#024: Self-portrait II / Joint self-portrait II

Your space.  Your garden, your room, your desk at work, a drawer, a cupboard, a shed - any space that is yours.

"You" could be yourself only, a couple, or a group.  

Monday, 19 October 2020

#023: Does Silence Exist? III

A white canvas on which is written in simple black lettering, “TACET”

#022: Does Silence Exist? II

A blank canvas.

#021: Does Silence Exist? I (A question that has already been answered)

A C90 tape continuously plays a number of field recordings.  Each is 2 minutes 20 seconds long and are ordered without spaces between.  The tracks (all apart from the last of which are repeated on each side) are: under a tree with birds singing, in a park with crickets, on a windy hilltop, at a beauty spot with distant traffic noise, in a garden while a plane flies over, in a room with air conditioning, in a room with a clock ticking, in a front room while it is raining, walking along a street, in a library, in an art gallery, sat still breathing, tinnitus, heartbeat in chest, nervous system, blood circulation, space “screaming”; Side A ends with a performance by The BBC Symphony Orchestra, conducted by Lawrence Foster, of John Cage’s 4’33” recorded live at the Barbican on January 16th 2004, Side B with a realisation of 4’33” made for the Radio 3 podcast Hear and Now by Robert Worby and Felix Carey, 2’ 52”.  The remainder of each side is blank tape. 

Monday, 12 October 2020

#020: Are you there?

Imagine how you see all, or any, higher being(s) or power(s).

You have now created your own imaginary religious art.

Monday, 5 October 2020

#019: Diptych: Then and Now

Your first painting alongside what you would paint today.

A piece of string connects the two.