The most beautiful person against the most beautiful landscape in the greatest artistic style.
Descriptions of artworks to create in your imagination. Some could become real. Some never should. Some are ultimately mindfulness exercises. However you see them, the experience for each viewer is unique. Resource List. Manifesto.
Monday, 2 November 2020
Monday, 26 October 2020
#024: Self-portrait II / Joint self-portrait II
Your space. Your garden, your room, your desk at work, a drawer, a cupboard, a shed - any space that is yours.
"You" could be yourself only, a couple, or a group.
Monday, 19 October 2020
#021: Does Silence Exist? I (A question that has already been answered)
A C90 tape continuously plays a number of field recordings. Each is 2 minutes 20 seconds long and are ordered without spaces between. The tracks (all apart from the last of which are repeated on each side) are: under a tree with birds singing, in a park with crickets, on a windy hilltop, at a beauty spot with distant traffic noise, in a garden while a plane flies over, in a room with air conditioning, in a room with a clock ticking, in a front room while it is raining, walking along a street, in a library, in an art gallery, sat still breathing, tinnitus, heartbeat in chest, nervous system, blood circulation, space “screaming”; Side A ends with a performance by The BBC Symphony Orchestra, conducted by Lawrence Foster, of John Cage’s 4’33” recorded live at the Barbican on January 16th 2004, Side B with a realisation of 4’33” made for the Radio 3 podcast Hear and Now by Robert Worby and Felix Carey, 2’ 52”. The remainder of each side is blank tape.
Monday, 12 October 2020
#020: Are you there?
Imagine how you see all, or any, higher being(s) or power(s).
You have now created your own imaginary religious art.
Monday, 5 October 2020
#019: Diptych: Then and Now
Your first painting alongside what you would paint today.
A piece of string connects the two.