Monday, 2 December 2024

#271: A one-sided story, or The Vocal and the Silent

Oil on canvas.  Painting of an artist creating art from the lives of others - whether friends, family or strangers - without consultation or research.

Burke, Kelly (2024) Jamie Oliver pulls children’s book from shelves after criticism for ‘stereotyping’ Indigenous Australians. Available at: (Accessed: 11th November  2024).

Liu, Rebecca (2023) Interview
Rebecca F Kuang: ‘Who has the right to tell a story? It’s the wrong question to ask.’ Available at: (Accessed: c.20th May 2023).

Mangan, Lucy (2023) One Night review – Jodie Whittaker absolutely soars in this mystery drama. Available at: (Accessed: 24th November 2023) - “Who owns a story?”

Poirier, Agnès (2023) Like the rest of France, I couldn’t wait for Ridley Scott’s Napoleon. Then I actually saw it. Available at: