Tuesday 18 June 2024

#239: Your Imaginary Art Space

A space on a wall is marked with masking tape.  Underneath this, centrally, is a panel with the following text and a QR code to take you to an accompanying website

This is your own Imaginary Art Space: think about what you would like to see here right now and just imagine it…

It could be a landscape, a portrait (self- or a group-), a memory, an idea using the making space theme of this exhibition? …

or you could use a different prompt - check today’s headlines, listen to a song, look around the room for inspiration -

or you could even scan the QR code for more ideas (https://yourimaginaryartspace.blogspot.com/ - this pool will grow as the exhibition carries on)

Just think of something to fill this space and place it above by using your imagination.

Whatever you do, however or whatever you imagine, it will be a unique experience and a one of a kind artwork.

Feel free to share your own prompt or a description of your idea using #imaginaryartspace

Unentered idea for the 2024 Royal Academy Summer Exhibition, the theme of which was making space.

Click here for a background twitter thread.

Monday 17 June 2024

#238: Idea comfort blanket

To help you deal with how uncomfortable things are.  A cloaking device for your mind.

Monday 10 June 2024

#237: Your Shadow(s) (After Robert Rauschenberg)

One very large white monochrome painting is on the wall.  A spotlight is trained on the painting and the viewer is encouraged to stand between the light and the painting.  The spotlight can be moved around the space and gels are available to change the colour of the light - or the viewer can use their own light source.  The viewer is also encouraged to use props and record their work with photographs or video.