Oil on canvas.
Black text on a white background reading:
Just think first. A lot.
Descriptions of artworks to create in your imagination. Some could become real. Some never should. Some are ultimately mindfulness exercises. However you see them, the experience for each viewer is unique. Resource List. Manifesto.
Oil on canvas.
Black text on a white background reading:
Just think first. A lot.
A landscape of rock, punctuated only by seas, covering the entire world.
Be nice to everyone.
After: Cochrane, Lauren (2022) ‘It’s about having your tag everywhere’: why the art of Keith Haring is all around us. Available At: https://www.theguardian.com/artanddesign/2022/nov/17/keith-haring-art-fashion-brand-partnerships (Accessed: 17th November 2022).
And between writing and posting: Siobhán (@SlugInkPress) (2022) "No x" [Twitter] 12 December. Available at: https://twitter.com/SlugInkPress/status/1602282262124453890 (Accessed: 12th December 2022).
Riedzewski, Ramona (@archivist_ramona) (2022) "Positive messaging on the streets of Hammersmith." [Instagram] 16 December. Available at: https://www.instagram.com/p/CmO5naaobV4/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= (Accessed: 16th December 2022).
A series of portraits of artists represented by an object - the object itself, rather than a picture or a painting of it. Often the most obvious thing. For example, LS Lowry is a matchstick, Yoko Ono is a grapefruit and Vincent Van Gogh a sunflower.
Who would you include, and what would represent them?