Monday, 24 February 2025

#284: Education (It is what you make of it and what you do with it)

A cartoon showing the inside of a factory with one giant machine through which runs a long conveyor belt.  Children, joined in a chain, are loaded in at one end and come out of the other after going through five large box parts labelled, “Infants,” “Juniors,” “Secondary,” “Further” and “Higher.”  Various ingredients (Knowledge, Confidence, Ability, Skills etc…) are loaded into each one (and taken out too); and the children gradually get older as they pass between boxes on the conveyor belts.  

All are led away, individually, at the end, whether from the Secondary, Further or Higher box, to a door marked, “Exit,” where someone is ready to shake their hand and give them a certificate before they walk through into darkness.

Monday, 17 February 2025

#283: Human-Nature

A series of pictures showing creatures interacting with humanity in a mixture of ways - from birds drinking water from statue fountains and owls flying through barns to turtles caught in rubbish, badgers stopping to admire graffiti of badgers and captured cheetah cubs in captivity.

Monday, 10 February 2025

#282: Consensual Hallucination

The images produced in your mind when reading a book, listening to music, watching a film, or undertaking a similar activity.

Title from: Brooks, Xan (2023) Interview: Suede’s Mat Osman: ‘The biggest difference between Richard and me is that he has no interest in being cool’. Available at: (Accessed: 15th May 2023).

Monday, 3 February 2025

#281: The Flag of Your Nation

The flag that you imagine after reading the title.  

It could be the flag of your nation, state, county, town or area where you live.  

Or it could be the flag of you yourself, your own nation that consists of only you.  What colours, what pictures, what symbols, what mottos would the flag of your nation consist of?

Monday, 27 January 2025

#280: The Workers at the Gates

The statues of an agricultural worker carrying newly harvested wheat and a sickle and a blacksmith holding a hammer and scroll that face the gates of Buckingham Palace.