Monday 13 February 2023

#160: Historical Art I and II


Think about an artwork that no longer exists.  

It does now?


Think about an artwork that you have seen in the past.

Comment with pictures, if you like.

Monday 6 February 2023

#159: Favourite Wall

Place a frame on your favourite wall and preserve it.  Whether it is a favourite colour or wallpaper pattern, bricks or tiles, mark it out and make it special.

Monday 9 January 2023

#155: Propaganda for Compassion and Equality

Be nice to everyone.


After: Cochrane, Lauren (2022) ‘It’s about having your tag everywhere’: why the art of Keith Haring is all around us. Available At: (Accessed: 17th November 2022).

And between writing and posting: Siobhán (@SlugInkPress) (2022) "No x" [Twitter] 12 December. Available at: (Accessed: 12th December 2022).

Riedzewski, Ramona (@archivist_ramona) (2022) "Positive messaging on the streets of Hammersmith." [Instagram] 16 December. Available at: (Accessed: 16th December 2022).

Monday 2 January 2023

#154: Portraits of Artists as Everyday Objects

A series of portraits of artists represented by an object - the object itself, rather than a picture or a painting of it.  Often the most obvious thing.  For example, LS Lowry is a matchstick, Yoko Ono is a grapefruit and Vincent Van Gogh a sunflower.

Who would you include, and what would represent them?